Thursday, 22 November 2012

Android Eclipse KeyBoard Shortcuts

Android Eclipse Keyboard Shortcuts

The Eclipse IDE provide certain keyboard shortcuts to the following actions.Lets examine what all are the various shortcuts.


Shortcut Description
Control + Shift+ R Open / Search for resources, e.g. files
Control + Shift + T Open / Search for Types
Control + F8 Shortcut for switching perspectives
Control + E Allows to select an editor from the currently open editors
Alt + ← or Alt + → Go to previous/ next editor position in history
F3 Go to the declaration of this variable
Ctrl-PageUp/PageDown Switch to previous/next editor
Control + Shift + P Go to the matching bracket


Shortcut Description
Control + . Open / Search for resources, e.g. files
Control+ , Open / Search for Types
Control+ J ,
 Control + K
Shortcut for switching perspectives
Control + Shift
+ G
Allows to select an editor from the currently open editors
F4 on a variable Go to previous/ next editor position in history


Shortcut Description
Ctrl + Alt + Z Wrap the select block of code into a block, e.g. try/catch.
Ctrl + Q Go to position the cursor at the last changed position in the editor.
Ctrl + Shift + O Show all methods of the current class, press Ctrl + O again to show the inherited methods.
Ctrl + Shift + F Format source code
Ctrl + M Maximize Java editor
F12 Focuses on the editor (especially helpful if you work with Fast Views).
Ctrl + O Show all methods of the current class, press Ctrl + O again to show the inherited methods.
Ctrl + T Show the inheritance tree of the current Java class
Ctrl + Space Content assist/ code completion
Ctrl + 1 Quickfix; result depending on cursor position


Shortcut Description
Ctrl + F11 Run last launched
Alt + Shift + X - J Run current selected class as Java application


Shortcut Description
Ctrl + Left Wrap the select block of code into a block, e.g. try/catch.
Ctrl + Right Go to position the cursor at the last changed position in the editor.
Ctrl + Alt + Up/Down Show all methods of the current class, press Ctrl + O again to show the inherited methods.
Alt + Up / Down Format source code
Alt + Shift Up / Down Maximize Java editor
Alt + Shift Up / Down / Left / Right Focuses on the editor (especially helpful if you work with Fast Views).
Ctrl + Up / Down Show all methods of the current class, press Ctrl + O again to show the inherited methods.


Shortcut Description
Ctrl + BACKSPACE Delete previous element
Ctrl + DEL Delete next element
Ctrl + Shift + DEL Delete until end of line
Ctrl + D Deletes line


Shortcut Description
Ctrl + 2, L Assign statement to new local variable
Ctrl + 2, F Assign statement to new field


Shortcut Description
Shift + F2 Show the Javadoc for the selected type / class / method
Alt+Shift + N + Letter Type shortcut for the command, e.g. njc to create a new Java class or npip to create a new Plugin project
Alt + Shift +  Z Surround block with try and catch


Shortcut Description
Alt + Shift + R Rename
Ctrl+2, R Rename locally (in file), faster then Alt + Shift + R
Alt + Shift + T Opens the quick refactoring menu


Shortcut Description
Ctrl + S Saves current editor
Ctrl + 1 Quickfix; shows potential fixes for warnings, errors or shows possible actions
Ctrl + Space Content assist/ code completion
Ctrl + Q Goes to the last edited position
Ctrl+ D Deletes current line in the editor
Ctrl + Shift + O Adjusts the imports statements in the current Java source file
Ctrl + 2, L or F Assign statement to new local variable or field
Ctrl + Shift + T Open Type Dialog
Ctrl + O Shows quick outline of a class
Ctrl + F11 Run last launched application
Ctrl + 2, L or F Shows quick outline of a class