For creating a Hello World program we need to create a Android project in Eclipse IDE.
1.Choose File->New->Android Projects.
2.Leave all default values and give a name to the project as like in the figure bellow.Then click Next>
3.Set a build target from the following list.Then click Next.
4.Enter the package name and select finish
5.Run your program by selecting the project from the left side.Right click the mouse button by selecting the project folder and select Run As-> Android Application.
6.Select YES to the prompt which is appear.Then AVD manager window will open and click New button.
7.Create a AVD by giving the following details in like in the bellow window.Then select Create AVD button.
8.Then select the AVD which we created now and select Start button.
9.Select Launch in the next prompt.Then the android emulator will start to launch.Emulator takes some time to show the result.So be patient.
10.The output will be like this.
Hope you all understood.
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